Thursday, October 4, 2012

Solving ODM Issues with IBM Help

   Gatering ODM information for IBM analisys

   1. Create a work folder and save the error report

mkdir /tmp/odmtest
cd /tmp/odmtest
errpt -a > errpt.out
errclear 0

   2. Increase component tracing in the Fibre Channel subsystem: (can be done individualy)

ctctrl -r -c scsidiskdd,efscsidd,efcdd systracemax

   3. start a system kernel trace:

trace -al -n -J gkasc -j 1d1,221,3b9,3c4,497,498,499,17b -T 100000000 -L 200000000 -o /tmp/odmtest/trace.raw
echo "BEGIN CONFIG ATTEMPT" | alog -t cfg
export CFGLOG="timestamp,detail,verbosity:9"

   4. run cfgmgr per fscsi instance (assuming that there are 2 paths per LUN):

cfgmgr -l fscsi0
cfgmgr -l fscsi1

You can also Run this only on the defined disk

cfgmgr -vl hdisk29;

   5. Stop the trace as soon as the cfgmgr process as possible & save the cfg log output also:

alog -o -t cfg > /tmp/odmtest/cfglog.out

   6. unset CFGLOG

   7. At the end of the cfgmgr run, if you see that a new disk instance has been created, but is in a Defined state:

snap -ac

   Resolving Luns only Defined but not Available problem
      1. Create a file

vi /tmp/pdpathat.txt

      2. Add the following 2 stanza to the file:

uniquetype = "disk/fcp/2145"
attribute = "node_name"
deflt = ""
values = ""
generic = "D"
rep = "s"
nls_index = 94

uniquetype = "disk/fcp/2145"
attribute = "scsi_id"
deflt = ""
values = ""
generic = "D"
rep = "s"
nls_index = 80

     3. Take a Backup of PdPathAt

odmget PdPathAt > /tmp/pdpath.backup

     4. Make sure that this query returns nothing

odmget -quniquetype="disk/fcp/2145" PdPathAt

     5. If return an instance delete it

odmdelete -q uniquetype="disk/fcp/2145" -o PdPathAt

     6. Let's add the new stanzas we created

odmadd /tmp/pdpathat.txt

     7. Next run cfgmgr.

     8. Update the boot image, so the ODM files are built into the boot image

bosboot -a

     9. Reboot the server

The problem is that there was no predefined path attributes for SDD PCM, It turns out that the config method expects there to be a node_name attribute for the path and fails config itf there isnt

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